Look at what’s out there. The first step to adding content is deciding what you want to share with the world. People use YouTube for a huge variety of things, from watching music videos, laughing at comedy sketches, learning with tutorial videos, and much more. Think about what you can bring to audiences that they aren’t getting from anyone else.

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Determine what your strengths are. If your friends keep telling you that you’refunny, consider making comedy videos. If singing is your thing, upload some videos of you performing. The key is to create content that will keep your viewers coming back to see more.
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Consider doing reviews. Reviews are a great way to gain viewers, especially if you are reviewing something that people will be searching for. People always want to see good reviews before making the decision to purchase a product or service. There are a variety of possible review topics, including:
  • New albums
  • The latest gadgets
  • TV and movies
  • Video games
  • Books
  • Restaurants and other food products
  • Businesses
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Film as much as possible. Constantly try to create more content for your viewers. Not only will a steady stream of content keep your audience glued to your channel, it will also help you improve your craft as you continue to develop your style.
  • Brush up on basic video-making techniques. If you’re talking into the camera, make sure that the camera is steady and that you are speaking clearly and at a good volume. You may have the funniest skit in the world, but nobody is going to watch it if they can’t hear or see you properly.
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Practice editing your videos. A well-edited video will make a much stronger impression on viewers than a hastily thrown together creation. Spend some time learning the ins and outs of your video editing software. Look up tutorials on how to perform basic editing functions.
  • There are a variety of free and open source video editors available online. Many of these contain the same features or similar features as expensive professional editing software.
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Make your introductions compelling. Most viewers will determine a video’s worth in the first few seconds. Strive to make your intros both entertaining and informative. The longer viewers watch your video, the higher YouTube will rank your videos on search results.
  • Show a teaser of clips from the video that the viewer is about to watch.
  • Make sure that your personality is front and center from the start of the video. Talk directly to the audience. Introduce the video personally, quickly discussing what to expect (don’t give away your twist if you have one!).
  • If you’ve built a brand, such as your name or a series that you are creating, make sure that is distinct and professional looking at the start of your video.
  • When making a nonfiction video, such as a review or tutorial, make sure that the purpose of the video is clear at the very beginning. This will keep viewers from looking for another, more informative video.
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Capitalize on buzz. The media constantly creates hype around events throughout the year, in virtually every field of interest. These are referred to as “Tent-pole” events. Examine your programming and determine which events are tent-pole events for your audience.
  • Create videos leading up to the event to capitalize on pre-event searches. As anticipation grows for an event, more and more people will be searching for related content.
  • Create videos during the event to cover it as it is happening. This is great for viewers that can’t otherwise experience the event themselves.
  • Create follow-up videos after the event. Use this time to summarize what happened and analyze any information.
  • Interact with your viewers throughout the process to keep them coming back to your channel.
  • During big events, increase the amount of content you release to continue capitalizing on new viewers. More content shows viewers that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the event.
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Tell a story. Every video, fiction or nonfiction, essentially needs to tell a story. There should be a definitive beginning, middle, and ending. This is as true for comedy sketches as it is for a tutorial on taking care of flowers.
  • Break up long videos into segments that focus on different aspects of the larger issue that the video is addressing. This will make the content more digestible for the viewer.
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Use annotations. These are boxes of text that appear in your video stream. Use them to direct viewers to other videos, channels, external websites and more.
  • You can use annotations to easily allow viewers to subscribe to your channel.
  • Use annotations on old videos to link to updated content.
  • Annotations can act as a “table of contents” for long videos, allowing you to link to specific times in the video.
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Throw a change-up every once in a while. If you have made a name for yourself making skits, spend an episode talking directly with the audience, answering popular questions from the comments and discussing the process of your creativity. This behind-the-scenes look will create a stronger bond with your audience and make them feel like they have an impact on your work.

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